
  • Updated

In the catalog you should at least give the product a namedescription and price, and also check that a product belongs at least to a main categoryID record should not be changed.

Listed below is the majority of records and their meanings:

ID: A unique identifier for products and categories in the system.

  • If a product or category is new, an ID is not given, but the system will create an ID record when a catalog is imported to the system.
  • If a product or category is old, it already has an identifier. ID field is therefore not changed. If the ID record is deleted, the product or category will be added to the system as a new product or category.

Category: First level category, i.e. main category. For example, Clothing. Main category has its own row and the rows under it belong to this main category until the next main category is created.

Category 2: Second level category, i.e. subcategory. For example, Shirts. Subcategory has its own row and the rows under it belong to this subcategory until the next subcategory or main category is created.

Category 3: Third level category, i.e. subcategory's subcategory. For example, Dress shirts. Third level category has its own row and the rows under it belong to this subcategory until the nex category is created.

Additional categories: In addition to their own category, products can be shown in other categories. For example, a product in the Dress shirts category can also be shown in the Festive clothes and Sale. Categories are separated by commas, i.e. Festive clothes, Sale.

Category location and additional category location are set by the system so these should not be changed in the catalog.

Product: Product name. For example, Striped dress shirt. The product should be named as accurately as possible. The name of a product is one of the most important factors in search engine optimization.

Variation group: Variation group's name. Size, for example. Variation group has its own row and all the variations that belong to this variation group are listed below on their own rows.

Variation: Variation name. For example, 34 aand 35. Variations have their own rows.

Abbreviation: The product's abbreviation. Can be used on the catalog or product card page.

Teaser: Teaser text. Can be used on the catalog page as a short product description.

Description: Product description.

Technical specifications: Technical specifications for the product. It's best to enter these in the shop Product management.

Image: Product image. Many images can be linked by separating them with commas. New images should be added one by one from Product management or mass import by connecting images from Mass management.

Hidden: Hiding products

  • Empty: product is not hidden
  • 1: product is hidden

Product code: Product's product code

EAN code: Product's EAN code

Price: Product price in euros. Marked as 10.00, for example, when the product price is 10 euros.

VAT%: VAT percentage is calculated automatically so this field should be left empty.

Inventory price and Profit%: If you want to calculate a product's price based on the profit percentage, do as followed:

  • Leave Price field empty
  • Set inventory price, such as 5.00 (=5 euros)
  • Set Profit %, for example 50.00 (=50%)
  • The final price of the product is thus 10 euros, but it is not shown in the Catalog
  • Note! Profit % can also be set for a category when the product line Profit % will be left empty. In this case, the the price for products in the category that have an inventory price but an empty Price field will be calculated with category's profit percentage.

Delivery cost unit: Is used to indicate a product's weight, so it can be used to calculate delivery costs.

  • Weight unit has not been predetermined but delivery cost units should be entered consistently, so that it is possible to calculate delivery costs. For example, you can enter 2.00, that can be used to describe the weight of 2 kg. 

In stock: Stock availability in whole numbers, such as 68.

Available from and Available until: Dates when a product is available. For example, 2013-05-01 and 2013-05-30

Visible as sold out: Will a product be visible in the store when it is not in stock.

Keywords: Keywords are often used to indicate manufacturer because keywords can be managed separately from administration and products can be linked together with keywords.

Search terms: Additional words can be added to search terms so that products can be found with the search function. Search terms are separated by commas. For example, buttoned shirts. You should monitor the usage of search terms with Google Analytics, for instance, in order to pick search terms that are actually useful.

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