Product information

  • Updated

The product information contains general details of a product such as the name, price, amount in stock, different product codes and product-specific delivery time. Some of the features and text fields are explained below.


1 Select language from the top left. The product information will be edited in the selected language. The example may have different contents for product in Finnish, Swedish, English and German. The language-specific content only applies to the text field, so for example the price and amount in stock are the same for all. The language that has been selected for editing is shown in brackets after the text field names.
2 Either enter the price directly into the text field, or have the system calculate it by entering the inventory price and profit margin in percentages (section 4). Click Save after updating, so that the system will update the final price of the product without any discounts in the field below.
3 The price category refers to a price that a client pays when buying a certain amount of an item. Quantity based pricing is only available when the Price field in section 2 has a fixed price. Add content fields by clicking Add price level. Enter a number into the Amount field, which is the minimum units of the product that the customer must order so that the quantity based pricing is applicable. Enter the item price after the limit has been reached into the next box. From the amount specified in this field, a percentual discount (specified in the percentage settings) will be applied. In the case of fixed discounts, the system will always choose the lowest option. Several price categories can be added by clicking Add price level again.
4 The system is capable of calculating a price for a product if an inventory price and profit margin are defined. A default profit margin can be set for all products in a category from the category settings. The system will calculate the final price (without discounts) based on these factors into the confirmed Price field below if the Price field in section 2 has been left empty or 0 (zero) has been entered in it.
5 Enter the value added tax. Select the category default percentage from the drop down menu (specified from the category settings), or another VAT percentage supported by the system which is defined in the online store general settings.
6 Specify individually for each product whether a discount applies to it. This option is useful, for example, in defining percentual discounts for all products in a category except for a few.


1 Add minimum and maximum quantity that can be ordered in a single order.
2 Define the amount of items the product has in stock. The number is updated automatically based on orders.
3 Enter the product and EAN codes. Set the product code as you wish. It is recommended to use the real EAN code in the EAN code field. 
4 Enter how many delivery cost units the product corresponds to. The delivery cost units are used to calculate the delivery charges according to the progressive delivery charges as defined in the system settings. Read more of delivery cost units from the instructions.
5 Extra handling fees can be set for certain products. In the product information it is set if the product is for example a long product. The extra handling fee can be set once per delivery or per product, so that the fee is multiplied by the number of the products ordered.
6 Delivery time can be set per product.
7 Enter the alarm limit of the amount of items in stock. If the number of products falls below the limit, a warning will be issued on the system front page.

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