Form management

  • Updated

Form module allows you to add different kinds of forms to your site, feedback forms, for example.


On the main view of the form page you can see the fields of the form, their type, whether the field is required or not and their order.

1 You can modify an existing field by clicking its name.
2 A new field can added by clicking the Add field button.
3 The Actions window allows you to add new fields on the form where you want them or delete fields. You can also edit the order of the fields afterwards with the arrow buttons.
4 The main view of the form page also shows you the latest feedback that has been sent through the feedback form. You can examine them more closely on the Feedback tab.



You can examine the information that has been sent through the form on the Feedback tab. By double-clicking the feedback row you can take a closer look.


Feedback information shows the feedback recipient (see Email settings), delivery time, user (if the feedback is from a user that is signed in), as well as the IP address where the feedback was sent from.

New feedback has New status by default. After reading the feedback you can change its status if you want to. The feedback handler's username can be chosen from the drop-down menu, it is your own by default.

Under the general details of the feedback you can see the feedback itself, in other words the information that the user has written in the form. Sent from page lets you know from which form this particular form has been sent.

Email settings

The settings required to handle feedback can be determined in email settings, such as the email addresses of the sender and the recipient.


Email sender

After sending the feedback form, it is sent to determined recipients by email. Email sender setting determines what email address is displayed as the sender of the feedback in email clients. Feedback sender's own email can be, for example, determined as the sender, making it easy to reply to feedback.

If you want a copy of the feedback to be sent to the person that has filled out the form, this can be determined according to a certain field. For example, a situation where the person filling out the form has ticked the box for "I want a copy of the message".

Email recipients
In the Recipients section you determine the addresses where the information of the form is sent. In addition to the primary address, you can also determine secondary address(es) from "Also send the form to". If there are several secondary addresses, they must be separated with commas.

It can also be determined that the recipients will not reveice email if a certain field in the form is empty. With this feature you can determine, for instance, that if the person filling out the form doesn't leave their email address, the feedback form is not sent to the recipients and it is only displayed in LianaCMS admin view. This feature is not in any way visible to the person filling out the form.

Email content

Email content section lets you determine what kind of message is sent from the system to the form recipient.


Form title is displayed as message title in the recipient's inbox. The message includes the information that was sent on the form prededed by the content of the Notification to sender of the form field, in the case it has been filled out.

Don't send empty fields selection removes the fields from the message that the sender of the form hasn't filled out.

Notify about a faulty reply-to address -selection notifies if the email sender's address is faulty. A notification will then be displayed in the email: "The sender's email address is faulty and this message cannot be replied."

Add form link to message selection determines if there is a link to the form in the email.

Notification to the sender of the form

A notification email that is sent to the sender of the form can be composed. This function allows you to send an automatic notification telling that the feedback has been received.


You can determine the sender's address, message title and whether a hidden copy of the message is sent to others (admins, for example) from notification settings.

You can compose a plain text version and a HMTL format version of the message. Layout section lets you determine whether the HTML format is sent at all.

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