Users page lists all the users of LianaCMS. At its simplest it's a list of the site admins. Also possible intranet and extranet users are listed on this page.
1 | Users page main view shows you a list of all the users, as well as information about the last login time, for instance. You can modify/examine a user's details by double-clicking their username. By clicking the row of the user you can also choose an action from the menu on the top of the page (2). |
2 | Different actions can be directed at a user. Hover the cursor over an action to receive more information. |
3 | On the listing you can also see the user membership groups that a user belongs to. If a user is in more than one group, you can see all the groups in user information. You can also browse users according to groups (6). |
4 | The Groups tab lets you to manage user groups. |
5 | The last user login date is also visible in the listing. If the username has an expiration date, you can see it in the Valid column. |
6 | You can also browse users according to groups. |
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