Element list

  • Updated

With the Element list module elements can be made visible on a page.


1 The main view of the element list lists all the elements that are visible on a particular element list. You can examine and modify an element by clicking its name.
2 New elements can be added on an element list in two ways, either by creating a brand new element or by choosing an existing one.
3 You can create a copy of an element, manage the translations of an element or delete an element from a list from the Actions menu.



1 In settings you can name an element list and define the order of pages and elements.
2 The elements on a list can be filtered according to owner, for example. Filtering can also be done according to features.
3 Listing templates shows a list of templates where a particular element list is in use.

The settings of elements and element lists are always site-specific. Their functions should always discussed with your own account manager.

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