Adding and modifying an event

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Event general details

Sets the name and address of the event, as it has a similar function as the heading of a site. In terms of search engine optimization, the title should be as descriptive and accurate as possible without making it too long.

Lead or caption is a description shown on listing sites and search engine results. If, for example, the front page of a web site shows a list of events, the leads are often directly underneath the titles. Note, that usually the content of the lead should be repeated in the text body.

You can edit the text with LianaCMS text editor. Read more about using the text editor here.



Category specify what category/categories an event is included in. Among other things, categories enable showing only events related to a specific topic and determine properties to events. An event must always have at least one category.

You can also determine category-specific properties to posts, such as their own icon. Additional properties are enabled when a category is chosen. Properties are site-specific.

More on categories can be read on the Categories page.



Start data and end date 
You must determine a start date and an end date to events.

Events are shown once by default (no repeat). However, an event can be set to be repeated weekly or monthly until a selected date.

Visibility determines is the event public or hidden. A hidden post is not visible to anyone and this can be used as an option to deleting a post.

Commenting is always hidden by default. If commenting is public, site visitors can comment the event.

The Writer of the event is by default the person who is logged in LianaCMS when the event is created. The writer can be changed, however, if needed.

If you are modifyng an event, you can also delete it by ticking the "Delete the selected event" box and pressing save. Note that the action is irreversible, so in most cases you should utilize changing the visibility to hidden.

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