Question: In what format does a phone number have to be entered when sending SMS deliveries with LianaMailer?

  • Updated

You can enter the phone numbers with the operator code attached (0401234567) or separated with a space (040 1234567) or with a hyphen (040-1234567).

LianaMailer automatically adds the country code (+49, for example) to those numbers that don't already have it. If the default country code of the account is the same as in the ones the SMS is sent to, you can enter the country code with the plus sign (+49401234567) or without it (358401234567). If the default country code of the account is different from the ones the SMS is sent to, add a plus sign and the country code (+49401234567) in front of the phone numbers in the address settings.

If you don't know the default country code of your account, contact our support.

Read more about sending SMS messages here

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