Grounds for sending

  • Updated

With the GDPR, it is important to know what consents or other legal grounds exist for keeping personal data. In step 3 of message delivery, you can filter the recipients using the grounds for sending. Before that, however, you need to specify the grounds for sending in Settings.

The options are:

Send to all list members
Choose this option when you manage grounds for sending outside LianaMailer and send the letter to all list members. 

Filter the lists
Choose this option when you want to send the newsletter only to those list members that have one or more of the grounds for sending you have selected.  

You can choose whether you want the letter to go to the subscribers who have all the selected consents or just one of the consents you have selected. 

Obtain consents
Choose this option when you want to send the newsletter only to those list members that have don't have the grounds for sending you have selected. After choosing this option, the grounds for sending are displayed to be chosen.

This option is suitable for opt-in campaigns to obtain consents. Make sure that the person who gives their consent, knows what they are giving their consent to. 


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