Blocking and forgetting a subscriber and downloading all subscriber data

  • Updated

Blocking a subscriber

Blocking subscribers can be done to individual subscribers or to multiple subscribers at the same time.

In reality, the subscriber is not deleted from the system, but set as blocked, so that they cannot receive messages from the system. The subscriber cannot be added, even accidentally, to the system through importing a list.

Blocking an individual subscriber
A subscriber is blocked by selecting the subscriber from a mailing list on the Subscribers page or by using the search field. Click the subscriber's row somewhere else than the email address and then click the Block subscriber icon on the top toolbar.


Blocking multiple subscribers at the same time
You can also block multiple subscribers at the same time. Put the addresses you want to block in an Excel file. Then choose Unsubscribed from the dropdown menu on the Subscribers page and click the Upload the list in Excel format icon. Upload the list to LianaMailer.

Allowing future emails

Mailing can be permitted to a blocked subscriber by searching them in the search field, clicking the row somewhere else than the email address, and clicking Allow future emails.

The right to be forgotten and the right to access your own data

After the EU's General Data Protection Regulation came into effect, a newsletter subscriber has the right to view the data that concerns them and ask to be forgotten, i.e. ask for the removal of all data that concerns them. A link can be added to subscribe/unsubscribe page that enables the newsletter subscribers to easily request access to the data that concerns them and ask for the removal of this data. Ask more about this feature from our team. 

A LianaMailer user can download and delete a subscriber's data from LianaMailer at their request. The data can be downloaded as an Excel file from the Download information button.


All subscriber data can be removed, i.e. the subscriber can be forgotten by clicking the Forget subscriber button. After this, the subscriber cannot receive any newsletters from you unless they rejoin your mailing list from a newsletter's subscription page. However, none of the data you previously had about the subscriber exists.

Note:If you have LianaAutomation linked to your LianaMailer, you also need to forget the subscriber in LianaAutomation.

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