Published releases

  • Updated

All published releases are listed in the 'Published' tab. To see publication details, modify the published release or schedule new deliveries, click the release title.

Creating a new delivery for a published press release

You can set new deliveries in the 'Deliveries' section at the bottom of the page. You have two options for the delivery:


  1. If you want to re-deliver to the same recipients, click the release title (in blue). In the opening 'Delivery information' page, click the 'Send again' button at the very bottom of the page. You can now set new time and date for the delivery.
  2. If you want to deliver the release to different recipients, click the 'Create new delivery from the release' button. You will be directed to a similar view as when you create a new release. In the first section, you can modify the content of the release if necessary, and also save and update the modifications to the release published on LianaPress portal. In the next steps you can choose recipients and set date and time for the new delivery.

Modifying a published release


You can modify a published release when you click the release title in the Release archive in the 'Published' tab. In the opening page, you will see the 'Modify news release' button below the news release details. Click the button, do the modifications and click 'Save' to confirm the changes.

Hiding a published release

You can hide the release when you click the release title in the Release archive in the 'Published' tab. In the opening page, you will see the 'Hide news release' button. Click the button and confirm. The press release is no longer visible in the LianaPress portal and your news room. Please note that hiding a release does not delete the release permanently. You can change it back to visible when you click the same button and save.

Removing a published release permanently


If you want to permanently delete the release, go to the Release archive and to the 'Published' tab. Click the red cross on the right side of the release you want to remove and confirm. Please not that deleted publications cannot be restored. If you want to return the release, you have to create it again from scratch.

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