Monitors in LianaMonitor

  • Updated

On the Monitors page, you can see all the monitors you have set in the service. 



1 You can stop an individual monitor by clicking the Active switch. From the same switch you can also start the monitor again.
2 You can create folders from your monitors that enable you to divide monitors and monitor groups more easily according to industry or type of media. By clicking the folder, you can view the monitors in that folder.
3 By clicking the monitor title you can view the hits of the monitor.
4 The number of hits.

The weekly chart shows the number of hits daily for the week. Move your mouse over the chart to see the daily data. You can also see the trend in the number of hits in the next column.

6 In the action menu, you can find the functions of individual monitors or folders, such as duplication, folder transfer, deletion, and a link to other settings. 
7 Add a new monitor from the + icon. Read more.
8 You can create folders from your monitors that enable you to divide monitors and monitor groups more easily according to industry or type of media.
9 You can use the Search function to search for monitors.


Examining the hits of an individual monitor

You can take a closer look at the hits of an individual monitor by clicking the monitor title on the Hits page. On the page that opens, you will find the following functions:



1 From the top menu, you can edit the monitor analysis and settings. Monitor settings are divided into two tabs, Search Settings and General Settings. You can find settings related to generating hits in Search Settings and additional monitor features in General Settings.
2 You can select all hits at once to perform actions on them simultaneously. If you want, you can delete individual hits by clicking on the cross that appears in the news image when you hover your mouse over it.

When you take the cursor on the image of the hit, a group of action icons appears.

  • You can mark a hit as positive, neutral or negative with the emoji icons. If you have the AI rating feature, AI will use your markup to learn to give new hits tone markings.
  • You can add a hit to a collection with the star icon. A listing of news to be used in an RSS feed or a public news list can be made of collections on the Collections page.
  • By clicking the product label icon, you can mark a hit for further use. For example, you can mark or name hits on different topics according to their importance, such as primary, secondary, etc. The entries appear as a separate column when you import hits to an Excel file.
  • With the i icon you can view the hit's search terms.
  • With the arrow icon you can share the hit on social media or via email. You can also report a bad hit to the software developers.
  • You can delete a hit with the trash can icon.
4 Click on the title of the hit to read the source publication. In the hit content, you can see the hit title, the source, a quote of the hit, the searched word(s) highlighted.
5 In the hit content, you can see the hit title, the source, a quote of the hit, the searched word(s) highlighted.
6 You can add a hit to a collection with the star icon. A listing of news to be used in an RSS feed or a public news list can be made of collections on the Collections page. If the icon is not active, first select the hit as active by hovering the mouse over it and clicking the check box in the box at the top left.
7 Mark hits. You can mark hits according to their subject or give them names according to priority, such as primary, secondary etc. These markings will come up as their own column when importing hits to an Excel file. If the icon is not active, first select the hit as active by hovering the mouse over it and clicking the check box in the box at the top left.

Other functions:

  • You can mark a hit as positive, neutral or negative with the emoji icons. If you have the AI rating feature, AI will use your markup to learn to give new hits tone markings.
  • Remove rating
  • Mark as read. Hits will be shown as new as long as you either read the piece of news by clicking its title or by opening it in the archive. By clicking the Mark as read button, you can mark the hit as read. 
  • Download hits to an Excel file. You can download all the hits of a monitor from a certain time period onto your computer as an Excel list. The Excel file will display the time of the hit, source, title, main content, and link.
  • Share hits via email
9 Delete the selected hit.
10 You can determine from which timeframe you want to view the monitor's hits. 
11 Search individual hits.


From the Analysis tab, you can view statistics for monitor hits. You can also access the Analysis page via the main menu. Read more about analysis.

Search settings

In Search settings, you can edit settings related to generating hits.


1 When selecting sources, regions, categories, and individual media sources are selected for monitors.
2 The language in which you want the hits to be found.
3 The country for the monitoring.
4 One or more keywords that need to be found in the article.

In the Advanced menu, you can define additional criteria for the search.


1 If you want the article to contain at least one alternative word in addition to the search words, enter the words in the field. In the settings menu, you can define additional criteria for the search.
2 If you want, write words that should not be found in the articles at all.

Enter words that you do not want to be considered in the search. The words must be related to the keywords entered into the search box.

Example: If the search term is set to scout, the system will return hits as a result of the words scouting equipment or scouting. However, those words are such that they can be used in relation to scout-related news coverage. This means they should not be placed in blocking words, because then the hits will not be received automatically if the words are marked with block words. Do not take following words into account at all will tell the system to close its eyes from the words. When you type the words scouting and scouting equipment in this box, the system will not return any hits based on these. If the word scout is otherwise used in the news, the system will get a hit.

4 Enter one or more words that you want to be found in the title of the article.
5 Enter one or more words that you do not want to be found in the title of the article.
6 You can search for hits based on the words in the article URL, or exclude them from your search. With the same search, you can also search for and exclude articles with a specific author's name in the URL. The author's name appears in Twitter news URL, for example.

General settings

In the general settings, you can edit monitor names and descriptions, and stack monitors, for example.


1 You can edit the monitor name.
2 If you want, you can give the monitor a description.

Stacking the hits of an individual monitor

Stacking similar hits makes examining hits easier. Similarities can be searched from:

  • titles
  • content
  • titles and content or
  • titles or content.

You can also choose the percentage with which the hits need to match.

You can edit stacking settings of an individual monitor on the General settings tab.


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