Forms in LianaAutomation

  • Updated

You can create forms in LianaAutomation and embed them on your website, regardless of the content management system. The form feature includes a versatile range of different elements that allow you to create forms for various purposes.

Creating a form

To create a new form, click on the green plus icon in the top right corner of the Forms section.



Form settings


1 Enter name on the form.

Select Channel. Submitting the form triggers events, and channels need to be assigned to those events. Only channels with tracking enabled can be selected on the form.

3 Define the post-submission action of the form. Add a message to be displayed after submitting the form or redirect the form submitter to a specific URL.


Form elements


You can add various elements to the form. You can drag the elements to the desired position on the form, and on the right, you will see a list of different elements that you can add to the form. You can change the position of the elements and delete them.

Note: Email OR Phone Number and Button are mandatory fields that must be included on the form.


Element settings


By clicking on a specific element, the element settings will appear in the right column. The element settings can vary depending on the type of element e.g., Dropdown or Text.

You can add a field label, include a placeholder, and specify whether the field is required to be filled in order to submit the form.

Linked Property: You can link the property to an existing property created in LianaAutomation. If this field is left empty, LianaAutomation will create a new property using the name defined in the “Label” field. This prevents the creation of multiple properties for slightly differently named properties and allows it to be linked to an existing one.

Classes: In the "Classes" section, you can assign HTML classes to the respective field. These classes can be used to apply custom styles to the fields. You can add multiple classes to the "Classes" section by separating them with spaces.


Field options


Dropdown, checkbox, radio button, and checkbox group are elements where you can add or remove fields from the “Field options” section in the element settings. You can add options and specify the value that will be associated with the form submission event in LianaAutomation.


Other elements


In the "Others" section, you will find Paragraph and Heading. You can add one or more headings to the form. The Paragraph element allows you to add text to the form at the desired location.


Form embedding


For each form, you can obtain the embedding code directly from LianaAutomation. With the embedding code, you can embed the form on your website, regardless of the publishing system. You can choose whether to include CSS styles or not.

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